A Living Enchanted Rose with Solo


Create Your Own Living Enchanted Rose

Solo makes it easy to create a unique and beautiful Living Enchanted Rose for your special cut roses! Not only can Solo recreate the visual appearance of the Enchanted Rose as seen in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, it also creates the ideal growing environment allowing your fresh cut roses to last 2 to 3 times longer than in a standard vase.


Frequently Asked Questions

I already have a Glass Cloche, can I use it with Solo?
Solo Vases are typically 4.75” or 12 cm in diameter. If your Glass Cloche is 4.75” wide, it can sit directly on the Solo marble base. If your Glass Close is larger than 4.75” in diameter, then you can place the Solo marble base under your Glass Cloche. The Glass Cloche we link to above is 5.5” in diameter on the outside and works very well.

How should I cut my Rose?
First, hold your rose next to your Glass Cloche and determine where you want the Rose to appear under the glass. You’ll be cutting the Rose to a shorter length than you may typically cut for a standard vase.

Should I add water to the vase?
You can decide to display your Rose with or without water. The advantage of using water is that it will extend the beauty and life of your Rose.

Why do Roses last longer in a Solo Vase with a Glass Cloche?
One of the fun surprises of creating an Enchanted Rose was discovering that Roses look better and last longer than in a standard vase. We’ve seen this in every installation and have compared Roses displayed in both Solo and standard vases. There are three reasons why your Roses will last longer: 1) Solo allows the Rose to stand up straight without any wear on the Rose stem which makes the Rose bud lean 2) Solo doesn’t require a lot of water which breeds bacteria that attacks the Rose and it’s water absorption and 3) the Glass Cloche holds some water vapor much like a greenhouse.

We’ve had one Rose last three weeks in a Solo Enchanted Rose display!

Why does condensation sometimes show inside the Glass Cloche?
Water vapor can accumulate within the glass if you water your Rose and depending on changes in humidity and temperature in your room. For example, in the winter if your display is close to a window at night and the sun raises temperature in the afternoon, you may notice condensation. To remove condensation on the glass, simply remove the glass and set it aside so it can breathe. You’ll notice the condensation will leave within 3-15 minutes and you can return the glass over the Solo Vase.